Once you’ve entered your x and y axis data, you can double click on the plot again to access a preview of your plot and customize the chart details. This image shows the user where they can access the insertion of an x and y axis expression in their chart. If you click on this section you will see a dropdown of various options in which you can choose to either ‘Insert X-Axis Expression’ or ‘Insert Y-Axis Expression’. You can define either functions or variables that store data. This is where you define the data or function that is needed for the chart to be plotted. Once you close this tab you will see your document again and notice that there is an area above your chart component that says ‘Inputs’. The user can now access all the functionalities of the application that help customize the chart under the plot tab, the x tab, and the y tab such as the title, a border, gridlines, a legend, font, and colors. This image shows users the activated charting application once the embedded object is double clicked. If you double click on it, then you can activate the charting application. Insert a chart component under the math tab – this will insert an empty embedded charting object.

These capabilities are now available in Mathcad Prime 5.0! Using the new ‘Chart Component’ in Mathcad Previous to the new release, users were unable to fully control a title, a legend, gridlines, a 2nd y axis, or custom formatting when creating a plot graph under the plots tab. This image shows users where they can find the new charting component in Mathcad Prime 5.0. Prime 5.0 adds a new button under the Math tab called the ‘Chart Component.’ The plots tab will look the same as previous versions of Mathcad because nothing has been removed, only augmented for the addition of the new chart component. The new capabilities dramatically improve user’s ability to customize the look and layout of their charts and graphs to better convey information to stakeholders. Since there was a lot of feedback from users that there needed be improvements to the plotting features in previous Mathcad releases, Mathcad Prime 5.0 is almost entirely focused on enhancements to 2D plots. PTC Mathcad Prime delivers powerful engineering calculation management to help predict design behavior, drive critical parameters and dimensions, and enhance the visualization of your data with 2D plotting.